Welcome to friends of Ecological Owlthorpe

Owlthorpe Heritage & Nature Trail

Link to Video:Nature Trail Summer

The Land management has taking place under the monitoring of Natural England by their Higher Level Stewardship Scheme, 12,243 trees & hedgerow plants planted also 64,000 bulbs & 1,500 square meters of wildflowers seed sown.


The significant environmental improvements made in creating the Trail include: 1.3 kilometers of new surface path created as part of the Trail, 22 acres of land fenced and grassland brought back under management using grazing by Highland Cattle to benefit wildflowers and local wildlife.



Link to Video:Nature Trail Winter


New wooden footbridge installed across the Ochre Dyke

156 meters of dry stone wall restored & 800 metres of old hedgerow traditionally laid to conserve historic boundaries.

Also New wooden steps installed.

Wild orchard created using trees grafted, by local volunteers, with stock from the ancient orchard at Beighton. Regular public walks and practical conservation skills training.

Owlthorpe Grasssland & grazing Project

Between 1980 & 2002 Sheffield lost 75.5% of its unimproved grassland, therefore our grasslands are a valuable environmental resource. The project's objective is to manage our grasslands and safeguard the wildflowers and wildlife for future generations to enjoy. The Grazing project is part of a programme of strategic planting to link up the green corridors of Sheffield.

The photo to the left shows some of the 795 local school children that have been involved in this project that provides environmental education to raise awareness and enjoyment of the local country side. Unique historic 3-way stone stile locally listed. New wetland created & large scale litter clearance undertaken.

The award winning Owlthorpe Heritage & Nature Trail is a rural Oasis in the urban southeast of Sheffield , England 's fourth largest City.

The photo to the right shows the trail being opened with an official event on March 16th 2012 by children from three local primary schools assisted by Clive Betts MP for Sheffield South East, David Caufield and Sheffield City Councillor Helen Mirfin-Boukouris.


The map shows Hedgerows, Ditches and Grasslands of high environment value.

Please read our editorial in the Yorkshire Bylines.

Please help save Owlthorpe Heritage & Nature Trail by

signing our petition to Sheffield City Council: https://chng.it/6vXHqcGG4S

also our petition to Parliamentary Ombudsman: https://chng.it/FPc7X4Nq


Although planning permission to build on plot (F) Owlthorpe Grass Land Grazing Project, was originally refused, it is very disappointing to see that Sheffield (LPA) have now reintroduced plot (F) with a proposal to build 150 new properties. Plot (F) is situated on Moor Valley opposite Diamond Cottages.




Petition| Directions & Maps| ©2020 Ecological Owlthorpe E-Mail: ecologicalowlthorpe@gmail.com